Please attribute to Senior Sergeant Mark Pakes
Over 21 and 22 December Police ran their annual Tri-Cities road policing checkpoint in Western Bay of Plenty, targeting drink-driving.
The results from this operation were disappointing, as a number of drivers stopped were found to be over the legal limit.
Approximately 7400 drivers were checked, and of those 83 were processed for excess breath alcohol.
This equates to one excess breath alcohol reading per 90 vehicles stopped.
"This really is about saving lives, the last thing my staff want to be doing is knocking on someone's door to deliver terrible news of a fatality,” says Senior Sergeant Mark Pakes.
“This is completely avoidable and I urge people to intervene if they see a friend who has been drinking about to drive."
If you are planning on heading out for a few drinks with friends, please make sure you plan ahead and either organise a sober driver or a taxi to get you home safely.
Issued by Police Media Centre.