Police acknowledge the findings of the Independent Police Conduct Authority regarding comments made by an officer in Counties Manukau.
Between June and August 2018, Officer A made comments to other Police staff in pre-shift line-ups about planting empty point bags and he produced three empty point bags from his vest.
Other officers were very concerned by these comments and reported them to their supervisors. Officer A and another officer were stood down immediately and an investigation commenced.
Police undertook a substantial investigation in relation to this matter, which included interviewing a significant number of officers, searching Officer A’s home, work environs, mobile phone and text data and a complete analysis of his notebook entries, arrests and search and surveillance notifications.
Officer B was cleared of any wrongdoing and returned to work and remains a member of New Zealand Police. Officer A resigned from Police before our investigation was completed.
Police found no evidence that Officer A had in fact planted point bags. Our decision not to file charges was made after the file was reviewed by the Crown Solicitors Office. The IPCA has also agreed with these findings.
Counties Manukau District Commander Superintendent Jill Rogers says the comments made by Officer A were incredibly disappointing.
“Police is a values-based organisation and making those sort of comments was completely unacceptable and totally out of line with our values and the professionalism I expect from my staff. The fact that other officers reported this to their supervisors is very reassuring and I think the immediate response by Police which saw the two officers stood down while the matter was investigated proves that we do not tolerate this type of behaviour.
“The role of Police is to prevent crime and to do that, Police take an evidence based approach analysing intelligence and data to deploy officers into specific areas where crime and road trauma are occurring. Police look out for suspicious vehicles, persons and activity which is exactly what our community would expect our officers to be doing,” says Supt. Rogers.
“Officers are trained as to what lawful powers they have to conduct vehicle stops. There are countless examples where lawful vehicle stops have removed dangerous drivers from our roads as well as discovering illegal drugs including methamphetamine, firearms, stolen property or wanted persons and prevented further offending and victimisations.”
The IPCA’s findings have been relayed to Officer B.
Shelley Nahr/NZ Police