Thursday, 8 May 2014 - 10:30am |

Police accept IPCA findings on street racing operation

2 min read

Canterbury Police accepts the findings of an IPCA report, released today, regarding a Police operation targeting street racers in February 2012.

Acting District Commander Superintendent Andy McGregor says the IPCA report makes it clear that Police have to balance varying expectations from different sections of the community when dealing with these types of incidents.

"On one hand the community expects Police to uphold the law and prevent public disorder, while on the other hand car enthusiasts have the right to hold their events."

The Police operation was carried out in response to a large gathering of vehicles at Maces Road, Bromley, on the evening of 18 February 2012.

When police arrived they faced a gathering of up to 250 vehicles for what was described as a rally, with vehicles observed doing burn-outs and some disorder. Participants were preparing to drive into the city.

Police blocked both ends of Maces Road where the majority of cars were located.

"We note that the IPCA found this initial decision to close the road, in order to deal with potential disorder and danger to public safety, was both lawful and reasonable." said Mr McGregor.

"We acknowledge however that some people were subject to unreasonable delays and detained unlawfully, and we have apologised to the complainants.

"It is apparent that the number of cars encountered at the location was much higher than anticipated, and despite the best of intentions officers were unable to check the vehicles and drivers for compliance within a reasonable time frame. 

"As a result of this incident, a thorough review of policies and procedures has occurred.

"I am confident that similar issues would not arise in any such operation today. 

"It should be noted that since this incident, Canterbury Police have run several operations targeting anti-social road users under the new procedures, without any repeat of these concerns."

As a result of the checks conducted during the operation, several unsafe vehicles were written off the road, one vehicle was impounded and one driver failed an evidential breath test.