Attribute to Superintendent Karyn Malthus, Auckland City District Commander:
Police accept a report by the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) in relation to an incident involving a self-harm attempt at the Auckland Custody Unit in 2017.
On the morning of December 24th 2017, Police arrested a man for trespass and he was taken to the Auckland Custodial Unit and placed in a cell.
Later that morning while the man was in his cell, he attempted to harm himself.
As soon as Police staff became aware of the incident, medical assistance was immediately provided.
The man was taken to Auckland Hospital where he was medically cleared and returned to the Custody Unit later that afternoon.
Police notified the IPCA following the incident. The authority found that the man was evaluated appropriately when he was received into custody and he was provided with appropriate medical and mental health care after the self-harm attempt However, the IPCA also found that although the man was monitored more closely the number of checks carried out by custody staff fell short of that required by Police policy.
Superintendent Karyn Malthus, Auckland City District Commander, says Police accept the IPCA report into the incident and says Police have addressed issues raised by taking further steps to improve the monitoring of individuals in the Auckland Custody Unit.
“Our priority is ensuring the safety and wellbeing of those under our care while they are in the Custody Unit,” says Superintendent Malthus.
“We have reviewed and improved our processes and developed strategies to ensure that checks are always completed, particularly during high demand periods, as per Police policy.”