Working collegially with partner agencies is the best way to ensure compliance say Hamilton Police after yesterday's announcement by the Ministry of Health of its decision to temporarily suspend the licences of those selling psychoactive substances.
City Area Commander, Inspector Greg Nicholls, said Police became aware of the decision as a result of a communiqué received from the Hamilton City Council late yesterday afternoon.
"The 21 day suspension of six interim licences and the declining of two licence applications came about after Ministry of Health consideration of the Hamilton City Council's Approved Products Policy which was adopted on 27 February.
"As a result of these suspensions Police and Ministry of Health staff visited each of the affected premises today to ensure compliance with the suspensions and to also mitigate any risks associated with potential anti-social behaviour from any disgruntled customers unable to access what users tell us are highly addictive substance."
Mr Nicholls said there were no breaches of the suspensions detected during today's visits and on speaking to retailers officials were informed that the psychoactive products had, or were in the process of, being removed from the stores.
"From our perspective today's visits were about Police working in partnership with any local or national bodies dedicated to ensuring Hamilton is a safe, family friendly place to live, work and play.
"Together with Hamilton City Safe staff we are being proactive in ensuring we have a visible presence in and around the stores and areas frequented by regular users of these substances."