Opunake Police have launched a homicide inquiry after a 37-year-old local man was found fatally stabbed at his home in central Opunake early this morning.
Police were notified of the man's death by a family member at 5:50am.
Taranaki Area Commander, Inspector Blair Telford said information gleaned so far suggests an argument took place prior to the man being stabbed.
"Initial indications suggest an altercation has taken place between the two men. The Armed Offenders Squad was deployed this morning and a 33-year-old man has been arrested in relation to the death and is currently in Police custody," says Mr Telford.
"We are making inquiries and have a number of people including family members to speak to.
"One of our main priorities is removing the man's body from his property and returning him to his family as soon as possible," says Mr Telford.
Two addresses in central Opunake have been cordoned off and preparations for scene examinations are taking place.
Approximately 15 officers are working on the investigation.
No further information is available at this time.
Media enquiries should be referred to Communications Manager Sara Stavropoulos on 027 702 0850.