Police and members of the community attended the official opening of the new Porirua Police Hub today.
Police Minister Poto Williams officially opened the 19 Heriot Drive station, previously a lighting business, in front of a large gathering of police staff today.
Commissioner Andrew Coster welcomed Porirua Mayor Anita Baker and members of the Porirua community plus staff who have been working in the building since 6 December last year.
Dr Taku Parai from Ngāti Toa Rangitira opened the ceremony with a karakia and later blessed a hub plaque and a whakairo (carving) unveiled by both the Minister and Commissioner.
Commissioner Coster told the gathering there are experienced and dedicated police officers and leaders in Porirua who are very focused on ensuring everybody can be safe and feel safe, wherever they live, work or visit.
“We are working hard to strengthen our partnerships with our communities in everything we do, knowing that the challenges our communities face need a collaborative response.
“I believe together we can and will overcome the challenges and achieve Police’s vision to be the safest country.
“I’m aware that this modern workplace has already boosted morale among the staff working here. I think we would all agree that our police staff need to be thriving in their work to be able to help their communities thrive,” he said.
Commissioner Coster also acknowledged Sergeant Derek Wootton’s memorial plaque.
“This has been brought over from the old station and his memory and sacrifice will be continued to be honoured here, as it is also honoured on the Police Memorial Wall.”
Area Commander Inspector Tracey Thompson said the new and improved station is creating more opportunities to work together with the community.
“Our police station was getting old, and with the new and improved look we find we are more accessible to the public and we’re now delivering a service the community expects and deserves.
“Working with others to achieve better outcomes is a key priority for New Zealand Police.”
Police Minister Poto Williams said Porirua is a wonderful, vibrant city with a diverse population and diverse cultural traditions.
“The challenge for all our communities across New Zealand is to pull together not pull apart, because we can achieve so much more together. I see a lot of initiatives in this community that are about pulling together – the Cannons Creek Boxing Academy is one such example.”
“By connecting and working with each other, and collaborating on initiatives, my hope is that this community achieves wellbeing for all its members, from the youngest to the oldest,” she added.
Issued by Police Media Centre