On Monday 29 September, New Zealand Police will join other Australia and South Pacific Nations in celebrating Remembrance Day.
This is the day where Police join together and honour the 29 New Zealand Police officers who made the ultimate sacrifice, losing their lives in the line of duty. It's also a day where we remember Police members, both serving and retired, who have died over the past year.
The Auckland Metropolitan Ceremony, which covers the Waitemata, Auckland City and Counties Manukau Police districts will be held at the Windsor Park Baptist Church in Mairangi Bay (more details below).
Hundreds of Police members from across Auckland are expected to attend the service, which will include the following elements;
-Marching in of the colours (colour party with Dog Squad and Pipe accompaniment)
-Reading of the names on the Roll of Honour
-Wreath laying
Media are welcome to attend and film the ceremony, which will start at 11am sharp.
Inspector Steve Kose will be available for interviews following the service.
Windsor Park Baptist Church is at 550 East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay.
Parking is available onsite.
Issued by Beth Bates/Waitemata Police
Media please note the Police liaison on the day will be Kerry Kay 021 1920 509.
Note regarding the Police Remembrance Day Pin:
The Police Remembrance Day Pin was developed by New Zealand Police and the Police Association. Now lost to us, the Huia bird's tail plumage is something rare and special. To wear it is considered by Maori to be a great honour. By incorporating the Police chevron into the Huia tail feather, the design of the pin symbolises the honouring of someone special, now lost to the Police.
Police staff throughout New Zealand take part in Remembrance Day by wearing the pin to honour the memory of those police officers slain while carrying out their police duties.
Any donations towards the pin will go to the Police Families Charitable Trust for the families of New Zealand police officers who have been slain while carrying out their police duties.
Huia e! Huia tangata kotahi. He totara kua hinga. The feather of the huia, for someone special. One dearly departed.