Wednesday, 24 February 2016 - 3:05pm |

Media Advisory regarding Kapiti drug overdose case

1 min read

Kapiti-Mana Police would like to advise that, at this stage, the name of the 27 year old Kapiti man who passed away following a suspected drug overdose will not be released by Police.


In this case, we have carefully balanced the public interest against the deceased’s right to privacy.  We have also spoken with the family who have expressed very strongly to us that they do not wish for the young man’s name to be publicly released at this time. 


There are a number of family members who are still in shock and coming to terms with the death of their family member.  Police are of the view that release of the young man’s name at this stage would be unhelpful to our ongoing enquiries and place further unnecessary stress on the family.


We would ask that the media is sensitive to potential impact any publication of the deceased’s name may have on the wellbeing of those vulnerable family members.


The family is aware that the deceased name is likely to be made public in due course as the result of other inquiries.