Joe Collier, the 22-year-old man who died in Opotiki at the weekend, has been returned to his family following a post mortem examination.
In the meantime the forensic examination of two houses in Goring Street is continuing. Enquiries are also ongoing and the homicide investigation is progressing well.
Police would like to clarify that the incident was not a ‘street brawl’ as is being widely reported. Those involved in the disorder were known to each other and from two neighbouring houses on a back section at the end of a shared driveway. The disorder happened around those properties and at no time did it spill out on to the public street.
Police are still seeking information that might assist the investigation and anyone with information is asked to contact Whakatane Police on 07 308 5255. Information can also be provided anonymously to the organisation Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
Media enquiries should be referred to Communications Manager Kim Perks on 027 234 8256.