Taranaki Police have launched a homicide inquiry after the death of a 71-year-old woman at a residential property in Stratford yesterday evening (30 January, 2015).
At approximately 10pm last night police received a call from a member of the public who had heard shouting coming from the property.
Upon arriving at the property officers located the deceased woman and a 47-year-old male.
Officers spoke with the man and he was arrested at the scene.
He has subsequently been charged with the woman’s murder and will be appearing in the New Plymouth District Court today.
Both the woman and man are known to each other, however police are not prepared to comment any further on this.
Detective Senior Sergeant Blair Burnett, officer in charge of the inquiry says: “A scene examination is underway at the property and officers are in the process of conducting an area canvass. We are also speaking with the woman’s family and witnesses and conducting inquiries in an effort to establish the events that led up to her death.”
Once the woman’s body has been removed from the property a post mortem will be completed.
Anyone that may have any information that could be of assistance to the inquiry team is encouraged to contact Acting Detective Sergeant Sheree Treloar on (06) 216 5278.
Please note: Detective Senior Sergeant Blair Burnett is not available to interview due to investigative commitments.
Media enquiries should be referred to Communications Manager Sara Stavropoulos on 027 702 0850.