Wednesday, 15 September 2021 - 3:16pm |
National News

He Whakawhanaketanga tūtohu mō Tāmaki Makaurau

5 min read

Auckland daily compliance update

Kei te kite tonu Ngā Pirihimana e haere pai ana ngā tūnga aukati ki te rohe tauārai o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Kua panaia tōna 1% o ngā waka kua whakatūria i ngā tūnga aukati.

Haere tonu ai ngā mahi a tō mātou tīma, pō te ao, ao te pō, āwhā mai, paruhi mai.

Katoa ngā tangata e pīrangi ana ki te whakawhiti i te aukati pae mataara ka whakamaumaharatia,mō ngā mahi e whakaaetia anake.

Ahakoa kua nui te ū ki ngā ture tae noa ki nāianei, ko ētahi tangata e tarai ana ki te whakawhiti mō ngā kaupapa kāore i te whakaaetia.

I whakatūria tētahi tāne inanahi, e pārete ana i tētahi poti ki te tūnga aukati i te rori o Coal Hill. "Nō te kōrero atu ki a ia, ka hua mai te tangata rā i ētahi mauhanga e kī ana kei te kawe utanga ia

I muri i ngā patapatai, me ētahi atu uiuinga a Ngā Pirihimana, kua mārama i te whakamahi te tāne i tana pepa whakawātea mōna anō i muri i tana hoko i te waka.

Me te aha, i hoatu pepa hapa Ngā Pirihimana ki a ia, ā, i whakamōhio atu ki MBIE e pā ana ki tēnei.

Me mōhio pū ngā tāngata, ka patapatai ngā kaimahi kei ngā tūnga aukati ki te raki me te tonga e pā ana ki te take o tā rātou haerenga.

Katoa ngā tāngata kāore ōna take e whakaaetia hei whakawhiti i te aukati, kāore ōna mauhanga tika rānei, ka panaia.

He āheinga whakaū e wātea ana mō te tangata ka takahi i ēnei herenga.

Ngā whika o ngā tūnga aukati

Nō te 11.59pm inanahi nei, e 117,247 te katoa o ngā waka i whakatūngia ki ngā tūnga aukati e 10 ki te raki me te tonga o Tāmaki Makaurau nō te 11.59pm te 31 o Ākuhata.

E 95,935 ngā waka kua whakatūngia ki ngā tūnga aukati e rima ki te tonga.

E 1,072 o ērā i panaia mō te hāereere mō te kore noa iho, e 100 o ērā nō nānahi nei.

Ki ngā tūnga aukati e rima o te raki, kua noho ki reira nō te wā i heke a Te Taitokerau ki te pae mataara 3 i te 11:59pm 2 o Hepetema, e 21,312 kua whakatūngia.

O ngā waka e 313 kua panaia mō te hāereere poka noa, e 18 nō nānahi nei.

He whakahounga tūtohu mō Tāmaki Makaurau

Nō te tīmatanga o te pae mataara tuawhā (4), ki Tāmaki Makaurau, e 75 ngā tāngata kua hāmenetia, e 79 tōpū nō nanahi nei i te 5pm (14 Hepetema 2021).

E 63 mō te kore ū ki te ōta (Kowheori-19), e 13 mō tana kore ū ki ngā tika/rāhui/aukatinga, kotahi mō te kore tū o te waka (e hāngai ana ki te Kowheori-19), ā, e rua mō te patu/whakawehi/whakararu i te āpiha uruhi.

I taua wā tonu,  e 167 ngā tāngata kua whakaohitia mō te hia nei hara.

Ā mohoa noa nei, e 8,103 te tōpū o ngā whakamōhiotanga ā-ipurangi takahi 105 i whiwhi nei Ngā Pirihimana e pā ana ki ngā pākihi, ngā huihuinga, ngā tāngata rānei i Tāmaki.


Auckland daily compliance update

Police are continuing to see checkpoints set up on Tāmaki Makaurau’s boundaries running smoothly.

Around 1 per cent of vehicles being stopped at these checkpoints are being turned around.

Our staff are continuing to work round the clock in often very trying weather conditions.

Anyone looking to cross the Alert level boundary is reminded that these should be for permitted reasons only.

While there have been high levels of compliance so far, there are still some instances where people are attempting to travel for reasons that are not permitted. 

Yesterday a man was stopped towing a boat at the Coal Hill Road checkpoint. When spoken to the man produced paperwork claiming he was transporting goods.

Following questioning and further enquiries by Police it was established that the man was using his exemption for personal reasons after purchasing the boat.

Police issued the man with an infringement notice as a result and have also notified MBIE about the incident.

People should expect our staff at the northern and southern based checkpoints to be questioning their reasons for travel.

Anyone who does not have a permitted reason for crossing the boundary or without correct paperwork will be turned around.

There are enforcement options available for instances where people are found to be in breach of these requirements.

Checkpoint figures

As of 11.59pm yesterday, a total of 117,247 vehicles have now been stopped at the 10 checkpoints on Auckland’s northern and southern boundaries since 11.59pm on 31 August.

95,935 vehicles have been stopped at the five southern checkpoints.

Of these, 1,072 were turned away for non-essential travel, including 100 yesterday.

At the five northern checkpoints, which have been in place since Northland dropped to Alert Level 3 at 11:59pm on 2 September, 21,312 vehicles have been stopped.

Of those, 313 vehicles were turned away for non-essential travel, including 18 yesterday.

Tāmaki Makaurau compliance update

Since Alert Level 4 came into place, in Tāmaki Makaurau 75 people have been charged with a total of 79 offences as at 5pm yesterday (14 September 2021).

Of these, 63 are for Failing to Comply with Order (COVID-19), 13 for Failure to Comply with Direction/Prohibition/Restriction, one for Failing to Stop (COVID 19-related), and two for Assaults/Threatens/Hinders/Obstructs Enforcement Officer.

In the same time period, 167 people were formally warned for a range of offences.

To date, Police have received a total of 8,380 105-online breach notifications relating to businesses, mass gatherings or people in Tāmaki Makaurau.


Issued by Police Media Centre

Hei whakanui i te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Ka te whakaputaina e Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa ētahi kawepūrongo pāpaho i roto i te reo Māori.
Ka whakamāorihia ēnei e ētahi kaiwhakamāori.
Me tiro ngā mea e rua e tino mārama ai koe ki ngā kupu ā-ture, ā-kaupapa hoki.

New Zealand Police are issuing some press releases in te reo as part of our celebration of Te Wiki o Te Reo.
All releases have been translated using accredited translators.
We recommend consulting both the te reo translation and original English versions for greatest clarity regarding the use of any legal or technical terms.