Saturday, 1 January 2022 - 12:02pm |

Eastern District Police recover significant amount of methamphetamine in Wairoa

1 min read

Over the last week Eastern District Police investigators have executed a number of search warrants in relation to serious drug offending in the Wairoa Area.

These warrants involved members of the Mongrel Mob Mongrelism chapter who are based in Wairoa. 

As a result two senior patched members have been arrested on charges relating to the supply of methamphetamine.

During the operation Police recovered approximately one kilogram of methamphetamine with an estimated street value of about $1 million.

These arrests also come after recent gang violence in Wairoa which led to the arrest of a Mongrel Mob Aotearoa patched member for the stabbing of a rival gang member at the Z Energy forecourt on 23 December.

Police had also been involved in the investigation of another two shootings at gang addresses on 23 and 24 December.

Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Moorhouse of the Tairawhiti CIB says it’s believed the seized methamphetamine was destined for the community of Wairoa and Police are very pleased to prevent such a large amount of the drug from hitting the street.

“Wairoa as a community has clearly suffered from the impact of gang violence and the distribution of this highly addictive drug,” he says.

“Police remain committed to preventing any violence and closing down the distribution of any illegal drug that causes harm to the community.”


Issued by Police Media Centre