Counties Manukau Police Serious Crash Unit is investigating an incident where a 23 month old boy was struck by a reversing vehicle in a driveway in Papatoetoe at around 6:30pm on Wednesday night.
Police were notified that the child had been taken to Middlemore Hospital by a family member and unfortunately was unable to be revived. He was pronounced deceased at hospital just after 7:00pm.
Counties Manukau Police Road Policing Manager Inspector Neil Fisher say the incident is tragic a tragic loss for the family. “Police are in the process are interviewing family members and neighbours to determine exactly what happened. It’s a distressing and deeply regrettable situation for everyone involved.
“It will take some time for us to form a clear picture of how this tragedy occurred and we aren’t able to comment further on the investigation at this time.
"Police remind everyone to be mindful of the whereabouts of children at all times, particularly when driving. Always check around the back of your car before you reverse and ensure children are well out of the way or inside."
The Counties Manukau Serious Crash Unit is undertaking a scene examination. Victim Support is currently assisting the family.
Issued by Kimberley Mathews/Communications Manager, Counties Manukau Police
09 263 2702
021 192 0717