Friday, 28 October 2022 - 10:33am |

Cambridge Police community engagement day

2 min read

News article photos, audio and videos (3 items)

Cambridge Police hub
Engagement day
The new station opened in August

Police invite the community of Cambridge to come along to a community engagement day being held early next month.

The event will be a great opportunity for the community to come along, meet their local officers, and check out the town’s newly opened Police hub.

The new base opened in August, and is the first to be developed under the signed partnership agreement between Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) and NZ Police to support the build of modern, sustainable, community-minded Police facilities across the Waikato.

On Saturday, 12 November the public are invited to take a tour of the base and have a kōrero with their local Police officers.

The whole concept of the new base was around creating a welcoming feeling, says Waikato West Area Commander Inspector Will Loughrin.

“The whānau room is a key feature of the new hub, which provides a collaborative space for engaging and working with community partners to better support youth issues, family harm, mental health and our own staff to respond to the diverse needs of the community.”

The community engagement day will also include presentations from a variety of workgroups, showcasing the different aspects of policing.

“Policing has changed significantly and this is a great opportunity for the public to gain an understanding of what a modern Police service looks like.

“We really want the community to come and join us and enjoy this new space.

“This is a welcoming space that everyone can feel safe coming to and we are absolutely committed to delivering the best possible policing service for our community.

“We are within easy access to the main town centre and suburban Cambridge, which gives us the opportunity to connect with the community and quickly respond to incidents.”

The new station’s front counter is open between 8am and 4pm on weekdays. Members of the public can report a crime or speak directly to a Police staff member during these hours if they have any concerns for their safety or need Police support.

Details of the event:
Location: Cambridge Police Station
Date: Saturday, 12 November 2022
Address: 2 Fort Street, Cambridge, 3450
Time: 9am-12pm


Issued by Police Media Centre

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Cambridge Police hub
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Engagement day
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The new station opened in August
The new station opened in August JPG - 96KB