Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Tuesday, 1 April 2014 - 11:14am |
National News

Best result in two decades

2 min read


Auckland City Police District has recorded its lowest level of annual total crime in 20 years.

The number of crimes in the District in the calendar year 2013 dropped by just under 10 per cent on the previous year to 43,734 offences, representing 4,788 fewer offences.

Put another way, there were 977 crimes per 10,000 head of population in the City District in 2013 compared to 1,098 in 2012, a variation of -11 percent.

District Commander, Superintendent Mike Clement, says the impressive result has come about through the continued hard work, dedication and focus of all staff in the district.

"Our ongoing focus on preventing crime, particularly all aspects of property crime, has consistently paid dividends for the communities we police in Auckland and contributes greatly to our efforts to achieve a national 13 percent reduction in total crime by June 30 this year.

"It was also pleasing to see year-on-year significant reductions in burglary with a drop of 13.9 per cent in unlawful entry with intent/burglary, break and enter (nearly 1,000 fewer offences) after a significant decline the previous year of 18.8 per cent had been achieved."

However, the two categories of crime that made up the bulk of the district's 43,734 offences last year are still unlawful entry with intent/burglary (14.44 percent) and theft and related offences (45.63 per cent.)

While theft and related offences were down 6.7 per cent (a reduction of 1,436 offences) after a decline of 16.5 per cent in 2012, there are still many cases of the public being able to prevent thefts.

By reducing opportunities for offenders to commit such crimes through keeping items of value out of view in parked vehicles and by being mindful of security of personal possessions when out and about, the incidence of these offences will continue to decline.

The district recorded four murders in 2013, all of which have been resolved. Assaults, down by 5.4 per cent on 2012, totalled 3,289 and sexual assaults and related offences were up by 82 recorded offences to total 372.

In summary, Mr Clement said that the results were achieved by having a district-wide focus on priorities, being able to effectively deploy staff to target known offenders, victims and locations, by maintaining valuable community and partner relationships and by enabling staff to work more effectively through the proper distribution of resources and tools that mean they spend more time on the street, are more visible to the public and are less reliant on buildings.


Issued by Noreen Hegarty

Auckland City Police Communications Manager

Ph 09 302 6947 or 0274-951-589
