Wednesday, 11 May 2016 - 2:55pm |
National News

Attestation Parade for Recruit Wing 296

2 min read

The latest intake of new constables will parade at The Royal New Zealand Police College (RNZPC) tomorrow, Thursday 12 May 2016, as part of Wing 296.

The constables hail from many different countries including Australia, India, Russia, Samoa, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan and the UK. The Wing’s youngest graduating constable is 19 years old while the eldest is 53.

The patron for the wing is Matanuku Mahuika, of Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Raukawa. An experienced lawyer in corporate and private practice since 1991, he co-founded Kahui Legal in 2003, a Wellington-based specialist law firm working on legal issues that affect Māori and providing an interface between iwi and Māori organisations and the Crown, local government and other entities.

Matanuku is the son of Dr Apirana Mahuika, a staunch Ngāti Porou advocate who was the patron for Recruit Wing 198, a founding member of the Police Commissioner’s Māori Focus Forum and who played a leading role in the development of Police’s Responsiveness to Māori strategy and the establishment of Iwi Liaison Officers. Apirana, or Uncle Api as he was affectionately known, died in February 2015.

A former President of the Māori Law Society, Matanuku is now the Chairman of Sealord and Ngāti Porou Holding Company Limited.

Qualifications from all disciplines

Our new constables have a variety of bachelor degrees to be proud of – including qualifications in accounting, economics, social science, health science, labour studies and social policy, physical education, communications and environmental management. Some will prove particularly useful for careers with New Zealand Police, including degrees in criminology and psychology.

Some of the constables have certificates in a wide range of skills including sports and leadership, screen acting, joinery, interior design, beauty therapy, travel and tourism and personal training. Some have skills which they may end up making direct use of during their new careers, including certificates in scuba diving, construction diving and hyperbaric operations, sign language, criminal profiling and outdoor skills and leadership.

Wing 296 award winners:

• The Minister’s Award for First in Wing is awarded to Constable Jonathan Hurn. This award recognises the top student after the collation of all course assessments.

• The Prevention Award (for demonstration of operational skills and prevention practices) is also awarded to Constable Jonathan Hurn.

• The Response Award (for demonstration of safe practices and tactical skills) is also awarded to Constable Jonathan Hurn. He is posted to Auckland City District.

• The Patron’s Award for Second in Wing is awarded to Constable Joanne Buckley – posted to Eastern District.

• The Commissioner’s Award for Leadership (in recognition of outstanding potential to lead self and others) is awarded to Constable Daniel Wright – posted to Auckland City District.

The Attestation Parade will take place at The Royal New Zealand Police College on Thursday 12 May 2016 at 2pm. 

The ceremony will be attended by Commissioner Mike Bush MNZM, Mayor of Porirua Nick Leggett and New Zealand Police Association Vice President Craig Tickelpenny, along with other members of the Police Executive.


Media intending to be present at the Attestation Parade should plan to be onsite by 1:30 pm.

Please direct all enquiries or intentions to attend to Josie Cochrane - or 021 910 366.