Papakura Police have now apprehended four female teenagers allegedly involved in an aggravated robbery at Redhill Superette in Papakura on Sunday.
A 13 and 14-year-old have been referred to Youth Aid while two 16-year-olds have been charged with aggravated robbery and will appear in the Youth Court.
Three search warrants were executed at separate addresses in Papakura in relation to the incident at the Superette. Police are still working to locate a male teenager allegedly involved and are following up positive lines of enquiry.
Counties Manukau South Area Prevention Manager Inspector Mark Rowbottom says he hopes the arrests will provide some degree of comfort to the victims, and to the Papakura community.
“Incidents like this are a reminder to parents and caregivers to make sure you know where your tamariki are and who they are associating with. We want to assure the public that we will not stand for this type of behaviour and will act quickly to apprehend those responsible to prevent any further harm to the community.”
As the matter is now before the courts, Police will not be making any further comment.
Issued by Shelley Nahr / Counties Manukau Communications Manager
021 595 562