Papakura Police have identified the three males allegedly involved in a brutal brawl outside the Massey Park Swimming Pools on Tuesday 2nd January.
Two people have been arrested, aged 18 and 19 and have been charged with assault with intent to injure. They are due in the Papakura District Court on 11 January 2018. Enquiries are ongoing to locate a third male who has been identified.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our local community for the information that they have provided which has assisted Police in identifying the three main offenders.
Inspector Dave Glossop says “the feedback we have received from the Papakura community has shown they will not tolerate this disgraceful and abhorrent behaviour in their neighbourhood. This once again reiterates how well our local community and Police can work together to hold those involved in crime to account.”
Police are still in the process of identifying the other males involved in the brawl and encourage anyone with information to contact their local police station. Alternatively information can be given anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.