Taranaki Police today continued the investigation into a shooting where a man received gunshot wounds during an incident in the carpark at Taranaki Base Hospital on 1 August at around 9:30pm.
With the assistance of the Taranaki Armed Offenders Squad, Police this morning executed a search warrant at the Highway 61 Gang Clubrooms in North Taranaki.
Police have recovered a white van they believed was used in the shooting, as well as three rifles, a cut down shotgun and ammunition.
A 49-year-old New Plymouth man has been arrested in relation to the firearms and will appear in court later today.
A 47-year-old year New Plymouth woman had been arrested in relation to the shooting and the firearms, and will also appear in court later today.
“The team investigating this incident is focused on locating the others involved and holding them to account,” says Detective Senior Sergeant Brent Matuku.
“We are making extensive enquiries and further arrests are anticipated."
“We want to reassure the public that this shooting involved parties known to each other and reiterate that we do not believe there is any wider risk to members of the public.”
Issued by Police Media Centre.