Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Tuesday, 25 March 2014 - 10:34am |
National News

Acid spill area still cordoned

1 min read


This morning's spill of hydrochloric acid in an industrial building adjacent to Methuen Rd in the Blockhouse Bay/Mt Roskill areas is now having caustic soda applied to it which neutralises the acid.

Fire Service officer Kerry Gregory advises this may produce a cloud of steam that should be inert and of no threat to public health and which is able to be clearly seen by members of the public.

As a precaution however, Police have widened the cordon area and are advising residents, school pupils and members of the public to stay indoors until further notice. Anyone with medical concerns should contact St John ambulance or their local GP.

Fire Service Officer in Charge, Kerry Gregory, says the neutralisation process will produce vapour which will be predominantly steam leaving a product of salty water.

"The cloud should be visual for some time. Fire have crews inside the building where the spill occurred. The cloud should be low risk and will be tested while chemicals are being neutralised."

Construction site workers on the State Highway 20 extension between Hendon Ave and Bollard Ave have been removed from the area until further advice from Fire Service.

Currently there is a gas cloud over the area that is fairly static and it will eventually disperse in any breeze. The gas has been tested by Fire Service and has been determined to be neutral.



Issued by Noreen Hegarty

Auckland City Police Communications Manager

Ph 09 302 6947 or 0274-951-589
