We all love a party and what better excuse than Christmas and New Year, but how do you maximise the fun and minimise the trouble?
Some areas in New Zealand, including Rotorua, have introduced party registers. Registration means that police are aware of the party and have a record of who to speak to; making it easier for them to help sort any issues that arise. Anyone who registers also receives a helpful pack with useful tips and tactics to help an event run smoothly.
Even if you live in an area that doesn’t have a party register, there are some simple precautions to ensure your party is memorable for all of the right reasons. Whether you are a host or a guest, police encourage you to have a plan and stay safe.
Hosting a party
- If you live in Rotorua register your party at www.partyregister.co.nz You will receive a useful information pack and police will be made aware of your event in case any issues arise.
- Ensure that there is adult supervision and a plan in place in the event of gatecrashers or disorder.
- Only invite people you know will be sensible and not cause trouble.
- Be a responsible host and provide plenty of snacks or food and non-alcoholic drinks.
- Arrange for friends to stay over or have a means of getting home safely.
- Be a good neighbour and let them know of your party intentions.
- If you sense trouble is brewing or a party is starting to get out of hand, call the police before it escalates.
- Keep an eye on your guests, especially those who are drinking. If someone is being sick or passes out, check on their welfare. If you can't wake someone up call for an ambulance.
Going to a party
- Plan your transport in advance. Make sure there is a sober driver or you have arrangements and money for alternative transport such as buses, taxis or dial-a-driver.
- If your nominated sober driver drinks alcohol, find alternative transport arrangements. Never get into a vehicle when you know the driver has been drinking.
- If you go out as a group, stay as a group, and look out for one another.
- Avoid walking home alone.
- If the host is happy to let you stay over consider this option.
- Even if you're not driving it is important to drink responsibly. Excessive drinking leads to poor decision-making and makes people vulnerable to becoming either a victim or an offender.
- Never lose sight of your drink. Although drink spiking is rare it can happen. If you lose sight of your drink at any time throw what is left away and get a fresh one.
- Never accept a drink that is handed to you by a stranger
- If you are not driving still try to have a non-alcoholic drink or a glass or water with every alcoholic one to stop you getting too thirsty or too drunk.
This advice forms part of the 12 Crime of Christmas campaign by Bay of Plenty District Police who wish you a very merry and safe Christmas and New Year.
Media enquiries should be referred to Communications Manager Kim Perks on 027 234 8256.