An email currently in circulation about tactics used in supposed 'carjackings' is a hoax and should be ignored.
The email was in circulation some months ago internationally and nationally, and resurfaced recently in New Zealand.
This time, the email has gained impetus as it contains the name of a Police employee and the NZ Police logo - lending credibility to the email.
Police confirm the email was passed on, albeit with the best of intentions, by a Police employee, gaining the staff member's details and Police logo in the process.
The email warns recipients to be on the lookout for a piece of paper stuck to the rear window of their vehicle, seen only as they back out of parking spaces.
The scenario suggests people then get out of their vehicle to remove the piece of paper, leaving keys in the ignition, the engine running and their bags/purses and other valuables in the car.
When the vehicle owner gets out of their car, waiting 'offenders' then take the car and its contents.
Police say it is easy for people to be taken in by such stories, evidenced by the fact a Police employee saw fit to forward the email on.
The staff member has been spoken to about the need to apply good judgement on such emails.
Regardless of the hoax, Police advise people to always exercise caution and not exit a vehicle with keys in the ignition, the engine running and valuables inside.
Media contact: Rob Lee, Police National Headquarters, (04) 470 7348.