Window etching is becoming a major problem in parts of Christchurch as it is far more costly to rectify than other types of tagging. Public help and awareness is needed to establish who the offenders are, says Community Constable David Woodbury.
"We have had a spate of window etching in the Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave areas in the last couple of weeks, particularly between 1and 4 August 2008," he says. "I would estimate that the damage in the Moorhouse Ave/Lincoln Rd area in the past few weeks would be in excess of $50,000. These offences are serious, and are of great concern to local business owners."
Constable Woodbury says that the offences are almost always happening in the evening or early hours of the morning.
"This type of crime is also happening in most other parts of the city, and needs to be stopped."
A substantial number of businesses in Lincoln Road/ Moorhouse area have been targetted. The etches are 'RAW', 'WAR', 'MAKS' and 'KO', with in some cases the R being back to front.
The following photographs show an offender who etched WAR into a window in Addington a few weeks ago. He has not yet been identified, and we are appealing for the public to identify this person, or anybody that has any information about any of the above mentioned etches.
It is hard to estimate the financial value of the damage, but some large sign written windows can cost several thousand dollars to fix.
Any information to Constable Dave Woodbury at the Sydenham Police, phone 3632561.