Applications to remove suppression orders from the Ministerial Inquiry in to the unfortunate and tragic series of events that led to the death of a young woman are currently being heard in the High Court.
If the suppression orders are lifted, the Minister for State Services, David Parker will release the report to media on the evening of Friday 4 July 2008.
The New Zealand Police and the Department of Corrections will hold a joint press conference at Police National Headquarters at 7.00pm tonight, Friday 4 July, to discuss the report with media.
Win Van der Velde, Police National Manager Crime Services and Katrina Casey, General Manager Community Probation and Psychological Services will be available to answer questions during the conference.
What: Joint Police / Corrections press conference following release of Ministerial Inquiry
Where: Police National Headquarters, 180 Molesworth St, Thorndon, Wellington.
When: Friday 4 July 2008 at 7.00pm
Media wishing to attend the conference are required to register with Annie Coughlan on 04 474 8856 or Rachel Riley on 04 460 3365.
Note to media: If the suppression orders remain, or should the Judge reserve his decision, the media conference will be cancelled. Police and Corrections will issue a further statement updating media on the conference once the Judge's decision has been delivered.