Wellington Police are praising commuters for their patience and cooperation during this morning's truck protest conveys in the city.
Inspector Simon Perry, Wellington Police Area Emergency Response Manager, says there's been an outstanding effort from motorists to minimise truck convoy disruption as much as possible.
About 300 trucks have converged from two points into the city, encircling the main arterial routes into the CBD. The first of the truck convoy was by 9.30 heading north out of the city while the tail end of the convoy was still southbound in The Terrace tunnel.
South bound commuter traffic was backed up but motorists seem to have heeded appeals to avoid the CBD as much as possible.
"We've had very good cooperation from the truckies as well," Inspector Perry says. "Our patrols and command base have been in regular contact with them and overall the operation is going very well.
"No-one likes getting stuck in traffic at the best of times, especially behind trucks," he says. "We really appreciate the cooperation from everyone to keep traffic flowing as much as possible."