Sunday, 20 April 2008 - 5:40pm |
National News

Final Race Robbery

1 min read

20 April 2008

While thousands of race fans got high on adrenaline pumping motor racing two women decided they needed a more chemically induced high so robbed a Hamilton medical centre at knifepoint during the final race.

Detective Sergeant Neville Ross said the robbery took place shortly about 4pm.

"Two people, one armed with a knife, entered the medical centre on Victoria St and demanded a quantity of medication.

"They've then fled on foot to a car which was driven north and our officers were able to stop a short time later in the south of the city."

A quantity of methadone was recovered in the pair's car and it appears the offenders had already injected some of the medication.

Mr Ross said larger than normal numbers of people in the city for the Hamilton 400 hadn't hindered Police in finding then arresting the pair.

"The robbery happened about lap 21 and they were in custody by lap 33," he said.