Tuesday, 26 February 2008 - 10:54am |
National News


1 min read

Dr Habiba Sarabi, Provincial Governor for Bamiyan Province in Afghanistan visits Royal NZ Police College today.

Media are welcome to join Dr Sarabi during her tour of the Police College at 4pm today (Tuesday, March 26).

NZ Police currently maintains a deployment of three officers in Bamiyan Province in Afghanistan where they are attached to the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Bamiyan.

The NZ Police deployment, known as "Operation Highland", operates under the European Union's Afghanistan Police Mission (EUPOL).

The NZ Police team currently provides one officer in a mentoring role for the provincial police chief and other senior Afghan police and two to oversee training of local police officers.

Inspector Roly Williams of the International Service Group at NZ Police said training in Bamiyan Province was currently focused on enhancing criminal investigation within the Afghanistan National Police.

NZ Police were also breaking new ground in the province with their training of Afghani women police officers.

"A well-trained police force is a crucial element in the long-term stability of Afghanistan and NZ Police are privileged to be able contribute in this way.

"We welcome Dr Sarabi to the NZ Police College today to see where NZ Police are trained," Inspector Williams said.


For more information

Please call Jane Archibald

Senior Media Advisor, PNHQ

Ph 04 474 9442

027 568 0267