Detective Inspector Steve Wood of the Waitemata District CIB has recently reviewed the Marie Jamieson homicide file. He says his officers remain committed to finding the killer.
Marie Jamieson's body was found behind factory buildings at Mihini Road Henderson on 19 February 2001 and a homicide investigation dubbed "Operation Co-op" was launched.
"This investigation has involved a tremendous amount of work over the past seven years but despite the thorough and meticulous efforts of the enquiry team the person or persons responsible have not been identified," said Mr Wood.
"Marie was last seen alive at 9.17pm on 10 February 2001 as she walked past the Gull service station on New North Road, Henderson."
"Although there has been a great deal of speculation into why Marie was murdered Police have not confirmed any direct links between her death with drugs or gangs and they remain open minded to the exact course of events."
The indications are that she was intent on getting back to Methuen Road before 10.00pm, however she never made it."
"With time and technology factors it is often worthwhile taking a fresh look at these files as new lines of enquiry can be discovered. It may also be that over the past seven years things have played on the minds of those with knowledge or involvement in the murder and these people will want to have a new opportunity to talk with Police".
"During my review I met with ESR scientists and we have identified several pieces of new forensic work that will be undertaken. There are also other phases that will take place, dependant on the forensic results."
"There is currently a male DNA profile found on the victim's clothing that remains unidentified. Obviously the identification of this remains a key part of the enquiry."
"Our thoughts go out to the family with the pending anniversary of Marie's death and the Police thank them for their understanding and ongoing support," Inspector Wood said.
Those wishing to pass on information relating to the murder of Marie Jamieson can contact the enquiry head, Detective Inspector Steve Wood on telephone (09) 488 9794.
Media Contact is:
Steve Wood
Detective Inspector
Field Crime Manager
Waitemata District Police
Telephone - 09 488 9794