Public satisfaction with Police services has hit record high levels, a recent survey shows.
Monthly results for April 2013 in Police’s ongoing citizens’ satisfaction survey have recorded the highest ever level of satisfaction with Police service delivery, at 87% - contributing to a overall satisfaction rating of 83% - up 1% for the year to date.
This sees the overall satisfaction rating currently tracking at 11 points higher than the average for other public sector organisations in New Zealand.
“Police aspires to be an organisation that is always working to improve its performance, while maintaining high standards of service and ongoing public trust and confidence, so it’s fantastic that a record number of New Zealanders are satisfied with the service they get from us," Police Commissioner Peter Marshall says.
“Also really pleasing is that public trust and confidence in Police remains high at 78%, a rating that would be the envy of many overseas police jurisdictions.
“While these are great results, as an organisation committed to making our communities safer by preventing crime and crashes and reducing their impact on victims, we know we can never rest on our laurels. We recognise we must continue to work hard in order to maintain strong levels of service and to be deserving of the high level of trust and confidence that New Zealanders place in us.”
The independently-run survey is conducted throughout the year, and full annual results will be made available later this year.
"The survey gives members of the public the opportunity to tell us how we are doing, and we thank those who take the time to participate in the survey,” Mr Marshall says.
Contact: Ross Henderson, Police media, ph 04 470 7316 or 027 703 7329.