Friday, 3 May 2013 - 8:43am |
National News

Hamilton Police commend mother's tough love stance after car stolen overnight

2 min read

Hamilton Police working to educate parents and caregivers about taking responsibility for their teenagers are crediting a mother's 'tough love' stance in laying a theft complaint against her son who stole her car overnight.

Shift manager, Senior Sergeant Wayne Petherick, said three 16-year-old boys came to Police attention shortly after 11pm when officers noticed a car narrowly miss crashing into a barrier on Tramway Rd.

"The vehicle was stopped and the three occupants questioned. It was then that it was established the trio had been drinking at the driver's home when they had decided to go to McDonalds.

"The driver asked his mother if they could borrow her car and when she said no, waited until she went to bed then pushed the car down the driveway so as not to wake her. The driver blew over 400mgms at the roadside, the legal alcohol limit for a driver under 20 is zero."

Mr Petherick said Police commended the victim for having the courage to take action which in the long run may prove a turning point for the young driver who has been referred to Youth Aid.

"Young offenders have been posing significant challenges for Police over recent weeks with 13 and 15-year-olds arrested in burglaries of people's homes over the past two weekends and unfortunately things were no different last night with officers dealing with a trio of young burglars about 11pm.

"Three boys, aged 14, 14 and 15-years-old and a 21-year-old man were arrested after a prolonged track involving several Police staff and two dogs following the burglary of a Brookfield St home."

Mr Petherick said this trio have also been referred to Youth Aid while the older offender has been charged with burglary.

"School holidays are often difficult times for parents, caregivers and homeowners as some young people with too much time on their hands turn to crime. What we're asking for is parents make arrangements to ensure their charges are adequately supervised and that they know where they are."

Elsewhere in the City, officers arrested a 21-year-old man sitting behind the wheel of a stolen car parked on the roadside that had been stolen in a burglary of an Albert St home earlier in the day.

"Only yesterday Police warned that if you are away at work or on holiday and you own a second vehicle, consider locking the keys away or have a reliable person look after them, at this point in time thieves are not only stealing your property but using your car to take your valuables away."
