Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Monday, 1 October 2007 - 10:03am |

Dunedin/Clutha 2006-2007 Fiscal Year Crime Statistics

1 min read

Dunedin police are pleased the latest crime statistics show a 3.8% drop in reported offences in the Dunedin and Clutha local authority areas during the 2006 - 2007 fiscal year.

"That's nearly 500 less victims and reverses the 2.0% increase of the previous year" Area Commander, Inspector Dave Campbell said.

Reported violence also dropped by 4.4% or 75 offences. "The reduction is great news but there are still far too many assaults," Inspector Campbell said.

A major area of concern for police is in the area of family violence. Police appointed a co-ordinator in the city and he has improved liaison between the various agencies involved in working with family violence offenders and victims. Inspector Campbell said "this has resulted in greater accountability for offenders and increased safety for victims."

The drugs and anti social offences category has shown an overall decrease with cannabis offences down by 195 offences and disorderly behaviour up 146 offences.

Recorded dishonesty offences show a decrease of 4.7% with noticeable drops in theft of 126 offences and fraud of 144 offences.

Property damage also showed a very small decrease of 0.5% but still accounts for 19% of all recorded offending in the two local authority areas. "People have had enough of mindless vandalism and our community constables are currently working on ways to reduce the amount of wilful damage and graffiti", Inspector Campbell said.

One area of recorded offending that has shown a noticeable increase is the Offences Against Justice category which is largely made up of people being arrested for breaching their bail conditions. The 32% increase which amounts to an extra 47 offences is as a result of more checks by police on defendants to ensure their bail conditions are being met. "It's not unusual for police to check an offender on curfew two or three times during a night to make sure they are at home", Inspector Campbell said.

Full details of the 2006/07 crime statistics are available at

For further details contact:

Inspector Dave Campbell

Area Commander: Dunedin & Clutha

Ph 0274 891-725

1 October 2007