Statement from Assistant Commissioner (Investigations) Malcolm Burgess:
Police will reassess aspects of undercover operations following the judgement in the High Court in Nelson yesterday involving the Red Devils gang.
At the time police arrested an undercover officer involved in the investigation into the Red Devils we understood we were acting on the authority and approval the Chief District Court judge.
The High Court has since reviewed this aspect of the operation and found that the actions of police were a breach of the court process.
We are reviewing our processes to ensure this does not happen again.
However we are discussing our legal options for an appeal against the stay of proceedings given the serious allegations of offending by the Red Devils.
Our staff work tirelessly every day, at times involving personal risk, to keep communities safe from serious criminal offending. The undercover programme is an integral part of those efforts to investigate serious organised crime and those who operate outside the law. It is difficult and often dangerous work.
Police are absolutely committed to ensuring the programme operates in a way which puts offenders before the courts while operating within the law.
Our review of processes will ensure we do not put police or the courts in this position again.
Police appreciate that there is a high level of public and media interest in the details surrounding this case. However, given that Police are considering options for an appeal, we will not comment further at this time.