Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Friday, 13 July 2012 - 3:30pm |
National News

Update on body of woman found on Mt Victoria #5

2 min read

Police are reassuring the community they can continue using recreational tracks on Wellington’s Mt Victoria, following the tragic discovery of a 39-year-old woman’s body in the area on Monday (9 July).

Beneficiary Sofia Helen Athanassiou, of Newtown, was found dead by a group of joggers about 11am on Monday, off a running track near Alexandra Park, above Wellington Girls’ East College.

The officer in charge of the case, Detective Senior Sergeant Donna Howard of Wellington CIB, said Police wanted to reassure the community there was no issue in using recreational tracks the area, after concerns were raised by some members of the public.

“We appreciate that some people in the community may be unsure about returning to the area, which is understandable in the circumstances. However, based on the good progress we have made on our investigation to date, including conclusion of the scene examination and interviews with witnesses, we are confident there is no reason why people cannot resume using the Mt Victoria town belt / Alexandra Park area,” she said.

Meanwhile, Ms Howard said Police had investigated reports that Sofia had had a history of family violence, but said it was not currently a focus of the investigation.

“While the post-mortem showed Sofia had some minor injuries, we don’t believe these are connected to her death, which remains unexplained,” Ms Howard said. “We’ve also spoken with a large number of people, including those close to Sofia, but at this stage are not focussing on any links to family violence.

“It’s disappointing that speculation about Sofia’s past is being circulated, particularly while her family are grieving and her death remains unexplained.

“Again, we ask that the family’s privacy at this very difficult time be respected. Comment about Sofia’s personal background is also very unhelpful and upsetting for them.”

Ms Howard said Police were still awaiting the results of toxicology and other laboratory tests, which were potentially still 5-6 weeks away, before it could be established exactly how Sofia had died.

Anyone with information can contact:

Wellington Police ph 04 381 2000

Crime stoppers: ph 0800 555 111


Media contact: Ross Henderson, Police media: ph 04 470 7316 or 027 703 7329

After hours media pager: 026 101 082