Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Monday, 3 October 2011 - 10:53am |

Dunedin/Clutha Crime Decreases by 11.9%

3 min read

Dunedin Police are pleased the latest crime statistics show an 11.9% drop in recorded offences in the Dunedin and Clutha local authority areas in the year to 30 June 2011. "This is terrific news as it means 1474 less offences and consequently fewer victims," said Dunedin and Clutha Area Commander, Inspector Dave Campbell. In Dunedin Area, which includes Balclutha, recorded crime decreased from 12,425 offences to 10,951 offences, he said. Burglary and related offences decreased by 16% or 177 offences (1,104 to 927 offences). Burglaries continued to occur most often in North and South Dunedin. Many in North Dunedin involved unlocked student flats, which made `easy pickings', Inspector Campbell said. Laptop computers, cell phones and other small electronic items were the most common items taken. Police were working proactively with the student community to tackle the problem. The number of acts intended to cause injury (predominantly assaults) fell 15.8% or 228 offences compared with the previous financial year (1439 offences to 1211 offences). The number of public place assaults in Dunedin's inner city reduced, and in many incidents that did occur, police were able to identify and charge the offenders. "In some cases the Octagon CCTV was of great assistance in the investigations," Inspector Campbell said. Although public place assaults decreased overall, the number of robbery and related offences increased from 22 to 44 offences last year. While a small number of dairies and convenience stores, as well as one bank, were robbed in the past year, most robberies occurred on the street. Items taken ranged from cigarettes, cash, clothing and cellphones. There were 35 more sexual assault and related offences in the year to 30 June 2011. Inspector Campbell said this was not typical and reflected an increase in indecent assaults on females over 16 years of age and those aged under 12 years. General thefts reduced significantly by 13.4% over the year (from 3,681 to 3,186). Fraud offences showed a similar reduction of 14.4% to 250 offences last year. Drug offences dropped 33.4% from 767 offences to 511 offences last year. However, Inspector Campbell said the reduction did not mean there was a lower level of drug offending but resulted from police spending more time targeting major drug dealers and organised criminal groups. The 5.4% decrease in property damage and environmental pollution offences from 2510 to 2374 was good news as property damage accounted for more than 20% of all offending in the Dunedin and Clutha Area. Offences against justice procedures also dropped 13.1% (from 503 offences to 437 offences). This category includes bail offences. District results Overall the Southern Police District achieved a further 10.3% decrease in reported crime in the year to 30 June 2011, following on from a 3.6% decrease in the year to June 2010. "This is a fantastic result. Southern Police District is continuing to build on its platform of success and in real terms; there are 10,000 fewer crimes reported than there were 15 years ago," said Southern District Commander, Superintendent Bob Burns. "We've made changes designed to get us on the front foot in addressing crime problems. These changes have included improving our understanding of crime through better intelligence processes and being more innovative and flexible with our deployment practices." "These results are a clear indicator of what we can do with motivated staff, positive and robust community partnerships and a clear direction. We will continue to be innovative in making our communities a safer place to live." Full details of the 2010/2011 crime statistics are available at and ENDS