Recorded offences in the Auckland City District dropped 9.9% in the 2010 calendar year.
At a national level, the number of recorded offences dropped 5.6% - or by 25 thousand. New Zealand's resident population rose by just over one percent during the period, meaning recorded offences per head of population dropped by 6.7%.
The resolution rate dropped slightly to 47.5%
Auckland City District Commander, Superintendent George Fraser, says the district drop of 9.9% is a pleasing result of which his staff should be proud.
"Strategies and policies taken at national, district and area levels are continuing to make a positive difference in our communities," he said.
The district resolution rate fell to 33.6%, down from 37.9% in 2009.
As a proportion of all recorded crime in the district in 2010, the Theft and Related Offences division recorded the highest percentage (43.6% of the total) followed by Unlawful entry with intent/burglary/break and enter (17.5%).
The categories across the district where recorded offences fell the most include Fraud, deception and related offences (-54.5%) and Offences against Justice Procedures, Government security and Government operations (-42.9%).
Superintendent Fraser says total recorded crime for the District, per head of population, is the lowest it has been for 15 years.
Of all 12 Police districts, Waitematä (-10.9%) had the biggest drop in recorded crime, followed by Auckland City (-9.9%) and Tasman (-7.9%).
Issued by Noreen Hegarty
Auckland City Police Communications Manager
Ph 09 302 6947 or 0274-951-589