Eagle eye above Christchurch
The arrival of the Auckland based Police Eagle helicopter in the skies above Christchurch will give officers the ability to see right across the City giving residents reassurance while at the same time deterring criminals.
Superintendent Sam Hoyle said Eagle's arrival will provide not only a valuable crime fighting tool but also deliver an effective coordination capability to emergency services responding to other serious incidents.
"Eagle's appearance over Christchurch will enhance our capability to respond to any issues while at the same time reassure residents that the Police are determined to maintain a secure environment during the rebuilding of the City."
Eagle's appearance in Christchurch's airspace isn't the only change with members of the helicopter crew shedding their traditional blue attire to fly in Crusader jerseys.
Helicopter crewman, Senior Constable Barry Gallagher, said the crew wanted Cantabrians to feel the Eagle crew was here supporting them as part of the large policing family.
"So we decided to make that ultimate pledge, by showing our local colours as we seek to assist in making Christchurch a safe environment to rebuild."
Christchurch Media Liaison Team: 027 432 0960 or ChchPoliceMediaLiason@police.govt.nz
Public Affairs: 04 460 2986 or 04 474 9482