Sunday, 17 October 2010 - 5:44pm |
National News

Results for Waikato joint-agency motorcycle safety campaign

2 min read

Though rain persuaded most riders to stay at home Waikato Police and partner agencies are pleased that those riders out on Coromandel roads today were mostly riding responsively.

Senior Sergeant Jeff Penno said the driver behind today's operation was the concern of not only the Police but partner agencies and the local community around the number of road crashes involving motorcycles in the area.

"So today, together with ACC, NZTA , the Thames Coromandel District Council and bike industry groups we staged a mixed education and enforcement operation targeting high risk groups to reduce road trauma in line with the Safer Journeys 2020 national road strategy

"In all 56 motorbikes were stopped and we were pleased to note that the vast majority of riders were wearing the correct safety gear, had well maintained bikes and we very positive about the safety initiative.

"Of those motorbikes stopped 19 were found to be non-compliant with either riders breaching licence conditions or sub-standard vehicles."

Mr Penno said those deemed most at risk fell into two categories, motor cycle riders aged 15-25-years-old and those returning to bike riding aged 30-50.

Crash studies had also identified that crash victims fell mostly into two categories of residency, local Coromandel riders and those from the Auckland area.

"While the majority of motorcyclists were found to be riding responsively one rider was found to be riding a bike with bald tires, no warrant or registration. His excuse was that Police had already disqualified him from driving and confiscated his car."

Mr Penno said it was pleasing to see those out on two wheels were getting behind the road safety message and it was an attitude he wished was contagious with several car drivers found to be at fault.

"Five cars were impounded and five people arrested including one person wanted on warrants and a driver who was arrested for excess breath alcohol who blew 935mgs when breath tested on SH25A near Kopu at 1pm.

"All in all we're very pleased with today's results and we hope to see similar responsible attitudes on Waikato roads as we continue the operation later in the summer in line with the national Safer Journey's 2020 policy to reduce road trauma."

Background figures from ACC

• The Waikato Police District had 142 of the new Motorbike ACC claims during this period which represented 11% of the total new motorbike claims for NZ.
• Of the 142 new claims from the Waikato Police District, 26 came from crashes in the Thames/Coromandel TLA. Claims from the Thames/Coromandel area made up (17%) of the crashes from the Waikato Police district.
• The cost of active Motorbike claims in the Waikato Police District was $7,646,000.
• New and active Motorbike claims from the Thames/Coromandel areas cost $1,366,000. This represented 18% of the total claims cost for the Waikato Police District.
• Motorbike Crashes in NZ made up 25% of the total cost of claims to the ACC Motor vehicle account.
