A 15-year-old Porirua schoolboy has been referred to Police Youth Aid after he was caught on security camera throwing stones off the Mungavin Interchange Bridge and hitting a car travelling on State Highway 1.
Sergeant Brent Clark, Porirua Police Community Section, says the incident happened about 4pm yesterday. "Luckily no-one was hurt. The car got a few stone chips, but the driver certainly got a helluva fright."
The camera had been installed just two hours earlier as police were concerned by four previous unrelated incidents in the last three weeks.
"Throwing stones or rocks off any bridge onto road or rail traffic below is reckless and highly dangerous. You only need to remember death of an Auckland motorist in August last year, and the subsequent conviction for manslaughter."
Sergeant Clark warns that the camera will be kept in place to monitor bridge activity.