Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Wednesday, 21 July 2010 - 7:11am |

Are missing puppies linked to Scott's death?

1 min read

Police investigating the death of Scott Guy in Feilding are trying to establish whether the disappearance of three puppies is linked to his murder.

Scott and Kylee's chocolate-coloured Labrador Katie had a litter of 8 puppies. These were housed in an outbuilding on the Guy family property. Around the end of June, Scott and Kylee advertised six of the puppies for sale on flyers in local businesses.

Following Scott's death on the morning of Thursday, 8 July, it was discovered that three of the puppies were missing. They had last been seen around 5pm on Wednesday, 7 July when they had been fed by a family member.

Detective Inspector Sue Schwalger said: "A decision was made not to make this information public until Police had been able to assess possible explanations for their disappearance and to establish whether there was a direct link to Scott's death. Police are still unable to explain the disappearance of the puppies and are now seeking assistance from the public to locate them.

"It is unclear at this stage whether the missing puppies are an isolated incident or whether they are linked in some way to Scott's death. The puppies were being kept in an outbuilding some 80m away from where Scott was shot. As we have said previously the killing of Scott appears to be a deliberate attack."

Police have the following points of appeal:

• Did you see the flyer advertising the puppies and call the number? Police need to eliminate legitimate enquiries.
• Do you know the whereabouts of the puppies?
• Has a neighbour or friend received a chocolate Labrador puppy in the days following Scott's death?
• Have you been offered a chocolate Labrador puppy in the days following Scott's death?
• Did you take the puppies? If you took the puppies but did not kill Scott we need to eliminate you from our investigation.

To speak to a member of the investigation team, contact 0800 808585. Alternatively information can be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Media enquiries should be referred to Communications Manager Kim Perks on 027 234 8256.