Hamilton Police say if you're looking for proof about the value of the recording your serial numbers you need to look no further than a television that appears too hot to handle.
On Thursday officers credited the quick actions of a Firth St Burglary victim, getting the description of the offender's getaway vehicle to Police, enabling an officer with good local knowledge to track to female offenders to a nearby Cook St address.
But Hamilton Scene of Crime officer, Sergeant Roger Coley, said there was another chapter to the story.
"There was a fair bit of stolen property recovered following the arrests including a television with a somewhat chequered past.
"In June 2008 a Metz plasma screen T.V. was stolen from A Galloway St address. The owner's insurance company replaced the television so when Police later recovered it and linked the telly's serial number to the victim he decided to give it to a friend."
The friend's home was the property broken into on Thursday and the already once recovered television was one of the items stolen.
"With the serial number of the telly already in our system the protests of innocence by those found in possession of it were quickly able to be discounted and the telly has been able to be returned to it's rightful owner for a second time, it just goes to show the importance of recording serial numbers."
Mr Coley said one of the easiest ways of recording the details of your valuables is by going to www.snap.org.nz and registering under the Serial Number Action Partnership.
Waikato Police currently have a stand at the Fieldays advertising the how, what and where of Op SNAP, officers have already had a woman inform them how the website helped her after she lost her passport, having recorded the details of her documents on the website before heading overseas.