Monday, 7 November 2005 - 11:01am |
National News

Tasman hosts responsiveness to Mäori conference

1 min read

The NZ Police National Mäori Responsiveness Conference: Ngakia Kia Puawai starts in Nelson tomorrow [Tuesday 8 November 2005].

The conference runs from Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 November 2005 at the Heritage Rutherford Hotel in Nelson. Conference delegates will be welcomed at a pöwhiri at Whakatü Marae tomorrow [Tues] morning. Nelson mayor Paul Matheson, NZ Police Tasman district commander Superintendent Grant O’Fee, Dr John Mitchell, and NZ Police Deputy Commissioner Steve Long will officially open the conference at 1.15pm.

Approximately 150 Police managers and Mäori leaders from throughout New Zealand will attend the conference.

The overall theme of the Conference is ‘Reducing Mäori Offending and Victimisation’. The underlying themes are youth, alcohol and drugs, violence and family violence. A number of judges, key Mäori leaders and Police managers will address, facilitate and take part in the proceedings.