Thursday, 22 October 2009 - 11:21am |
National News

Witnesses sought to vicious Hamilton attack

2 min read

Hamilton Police investigating the serious assault of a man on Monday night are appealing not only for witnesses to come forward but a Good Samaritan as well.

Detective Dion Bennet of the Hamilton CIB said the attack happened by Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake) about 8pm.

"Our victim, a 30-year-old male, was walking by himself on the grass verge along the northern edge of the lake adjacent to Lake Domain Dr when he was approached by three men who initially asked him for cigarettes.

"As he handed some over he was set upon by the men, punched to the ground and kicked about the head in what was a vicious and cowardly attack that left the victim with serious facial injuries," said Mr Bennett.

While describing the attack as gutless Mr Bennett said the actions of a mother parked nearby with her two children was nothing but courageous.

"The seriously injured victim staggered back to her car asking for help.

"Despite his scary appearance the woman took the injured man to Waikato Hospital where he is currently recovering from his injuries."

The victim has no idea of the identity of his rescuer and Police want to speak to this woman in order to recognise what she did and also to gather any recollections she may have on who the attackers may be?

"We also want to hear from anyone else who was in the vicinity of the lake at the time of the attack who may have seen something suspicious."

The first offender is described as a male Maori 19-22-years-old and of medium build. The second offender is also described as a male Maori aged 19-22 of similar build but taller than his associate and wearing a blue and white head scarf.

"The third suspect is also described as a male Maori of similar age and appearance," said Mr Bennett.

Anyone with any information on the attack or who knows the Good Samaritan is asked to contact Mr Bennett on 07 858 6200. Alternatively information can be left anonymously on the confidential crime line, 0800 Busthem (0800 287843).
