Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Friday, 5 August 2005 - 1:00pm |
National News

Police to meet recruiting target

1 min read

A career in New Zealand Police remains a very attractive option to those seeking challenges and fulfilment and we are actively recruiting.

Police will recruit 600 officers this year which is in line with the numbers recruited in each of the last three years said Police General Manager Human Resources Wayne Annan.

"We are still attracting a high calibre of recruit in what is regarded as a very tight labour market. In the last three years we have consistently recruited between 400 to 600 recruits each year," said Mr Annan.

By the end of this calendar year sworn staff numbers will have increased by five per cent since 2003, reaching a total of 7,746 compared with 7,372 two years ago.

328 officers left police last year and of those, a third retired or disengaged because of ill-health or injury. The annual attrition rate is around four per cent, one of the lowest of any public or private organisation in New Zealand.

"The tightening of the labour market has lead Police to rethink the timing of recruitment campaigns to attract university graduates and school leavers. To coincide with that, the decision has been made to plan two recruit wings of 100 each for the January/February period next year.

A campaign is currently underway to inform younger people and their families of the attractive career opportunities provided in Police.

"We are one of the few employers who actually pays people while they are in training," said Mr Annan.

Mr Annan said Police will not be lowering standards just to make up the numbers. However Police will continue to review the needs for staff health and safety and the attributes required for the job.

Encouragement will continue to be given to those people from overseas policing agencies to join New Zealand Police. The success of the decision two years ago to recruit officers from the UK to top-up our staffing needs also added experience to our ranks said Mr Annan.