Overall Police are very happy with the behaviour of the crowds that attended the 2016 Wild Foods event at Hokitika. The fine weather was a bonus and the rain stayed away.
About 6500 people attended the event and were generally very well behaved, though a number of people were ejected by Police and security staff.
Police were, however, disappointed with the conduct of people at a party in Stafford Street, opposite the festival venue in Cass Square, during the daytime event. Several party-goers were throwing bottles and other items on to the road and into the event grounds but police were able to shut the party down without making arrests.
A total of 15 arrests were made in the Hokitika area during the day – including three in the festival grounds - for minor offences including fighting and disorderly conduct. Most were dealt with by way of pre-charge warnings.
Three people were charged with drink driving offences, with the highest result 876 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath. These people will be appearing at the Greymouth district court at a later date, says Sergeant Russell Glue of Hokitika Police.