Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Tuesday, 14 December 2004 - 8:00am |
National News

New Charges for Motorcade Prosecution

1 min read

Additional driving charges have been laid in the Timaru District Court against the Police members and civilian driver who were involved in a motorcade between Waimate and Christchurch Airport on 17 July.

"The Timaru and Christchurch Crown Solicitors, who are prosecuting the matter on behalf of Police, after assessing the evidence, recommended the fresh charges be laid. It was considered the new charges more accurately reflect the nature of the alleged offences," the Assistant Commissioner Crime Reduction and Public Safety, Peter Marshall, said today.

Some of the new charges have been laid as alternative charges. With the leave of the Court most of the original charges will be withdrawn.

The new charges still relate to dangerous driving and following too close and are as follows:

Person one six charges as a party to dangerous driving - alternative charges

six charges for causing dangerous driving - alternative charges

Person two one charge dangerous driving

Person three one charge dangerous driving

Person four two charges dangerous driving

one charge following too close

Person five one charge as a party to dangerous driving -alternative

one charge for causing dangerous

driving - alternative

Person six two charges dangerous driving

one charge following too close

one charge careless driving

Media Relations

Tel (04) 474-9482 A/Hrs (026) 10 10 82

N.B. The above information is advisory only. AC Marshall will not be available for interviews.