Police technology set to go global
Police technology set to go global
Technology developed by Police is to be commercialised for the global law enforcement and intelligence market.
EVE (Environment for Virtualised Evidence) allows police to quickly create a virtual copy of seized electronics such as computers and mobile phones. Investigators can then search and view copied data from their desktop without compromising evidence on the original device.
The system, launched in 2007, was developed by the National Electronic Crime Group including the group's manager, Maarten Kleintjes, and systems architect, Simon Wellborne.
EVE needs ongoing development to keep up with new technology. "We wanted to take EVE further but it's expensive to keep developing it in-house," says Maarten. "Organisations around the world keep asking for it but it needs an international sales and support team."
A partnership deal was struck this month between Police and Wynyard Group, a New Zealand company specialising in intelligence and investigations software with offices in six countries.
A team of Wynyard developers is keyed up to start work on EVE right away.
"It's like seeing a grown-up child leave the house and go into the world," says Maarten.
Wynyard's improvements will create a powerful crime fighting tool which can be used with a range of systems and programmes on computers and smartphones.
"It's a unique meeting of minds and a great opportunity for New Zealand to make a dent in the e-crime space," says Wynyard Group CEO Craig Richardson.
The Wynyard Group expects to make Wynyard EVE available in the UK, US and Australia by the end of the year. Police and Wynyard expect to continue working as partners for years to come.