Police scope Taser X2
Police scope Taser X2
Police has initiated work to scope the replacement of its current fleet of Taser X26's with a more current model, the Taser X2. This will provide the opportunity to replace the fleet with the most up to date model.
The Taser X2 delivers exactly the same benefits as the Taser X26; it will fire a cartridge containing two small prongs which when attached to a violent offender's clothing or body, will deliver electrical pulses that will incapacitate the offender, predominantly without having to resort to other tactical options, potentially including lethal options.
"It 'minimises harm and maximises safety' for all parties involved in a violent incident," said Superintendent Rivers today.
The main points of difference for the Taser X2 are firstly that it has many more self diagnostic computing tools incorporated into it and secondly, it is capable of firing two cartridges instead of one.
"The Taser X26 is extremely reliable and the Taser X2, while being more advanced, works on the same principles and requires the same operator and operating conditions to be effective" he said.
Mr Rivers said the national Taser programme had been a resounding success in stopping violence offences.
"The mere presentation of a Taser is sufficient to stop violent and threatening behaviour 80 per cent of the time," he said. "This makes the Taser a valuable tactical option."