Police in the pink
Police in the pink
Welcome to Pink Shirt Day at New Zealand Police.
Today staff around the country are donning pink shirts as part of a national campaign to bring attention to bullying and show solidarity with its victims.
Police members not required to wear uniform were invited to join in through the simple, symbolic action of wearing a pink shirt.
And as our main picture shows, some uniformed staff in the National Prevention Centre at Police National Headquarters were able to join in, thanks to a little Photoshop wizardry. No blue shirts were harmed in the production of this image...
Lawrie Stewart, Coordinator Schools, says the campaign aims to encourage people to talk about bullying and take action against it, with wearing something pink the simplest way of showing where you stand.
"In this way you can help show that police are an ally to victims of bullying, and committed to reducing bullying and promoting positive relationships,” he says.
We'll be sharing more pictures during the day through our national Police Facebook page.