Mobile tools for new graduates
Mobile tools for new graduates
The latest Police graduates are the first to be issued with iPhones and iPads as part of their toolkit.
The 38 constables who make up Wing 276 graduated from The Royal New Zealand Police College on Thursday. Retired Chief Superintendent Maurie Cummings is the wing’s patron.
Police Commissioner Peter Marshall says the smartphones and tablets will ensure these new constables have mobile access to job-critical information where and when they need it.
"These devices have proved to be an absolute godsend to frontline police and it's wonderful to see them becoming part of our officers' kit from day one.
“They mean improved and speedier decision-making in dealing with offenders, victims and law-abiding citizens and they also improve officers' own safety," says Commissioner Marshall.
The new constables join 6,086 frontline colleagues who are already equipped with the mobile devices.
Find out more about Wing 276 in the Police media release.